Warning! The following article includes pictures that may or may not frighten readers. If you think you will be frightened, do not read.
As some of you know, (and many of you don't), I am quite interested in ghosts and scary stuff. Since I am learning Malay, I find many Malay ghost stories interesting. Here are my top 5 Malay ghosts:
5. Pelesit
A pelesit is a grasshopper sent by someone who dislikes you. If you kill it, you will die. Basically, if you kill the pelesit, you kill yourself. If you see a sharp and pointed headed grasshopper, run away!
4. Pocong
A Pocong is ghost of a dead person still mummified. A pocong is really scary looking and creepy, especially if it follows you. But really, all it wants from you, is for you to unwrap it. So, a pocong may be creepy in appearance, but it isn't really evil.
Hantu Raya is a ghost that works for a human master. Whatever their master wants, they will fulfill. As a reward, they will get blood and live meat. So if you see one, good luck surviving!
2. Lang Suir
The Lang Suir is a spirit of a woman who suffered through childbirth, resulting in both mother and baby dying. It is believed that this woman will turn into a Lang Suir, 40 days after her death.
1. Pontianak
The Pontianak is the local version of a vampire. They are sometimes referred to as matianak, kuntilanak and kunti. But, unlike the western version of a vampire, the Pontianak is believed to be the spirit of a woman who died while pregnant.
A special thanks to Amani for helping me write this article!